Wednesday 6 October 2010

We Preach Christ Crucified

My Sins Crucified Our Lord

It’s so sad, it’s so sad
He was arrested in the early morn
It’s so sad, it’s so sad
He sweated Blood, His Drops fell on the floor
O it’s so sad, O it’s so sad
O it’s, O so sorrowful
Now I want to save my immortal Soul
Because my sins crucified Our Lord

It’s so sad, it’s so sad
That for a sinner like me, He was scourged
It’s so sad, it’s so sad
That His Skin was ripped and torn
It’s so sad, it’s so sad
Upon His Royal Head, was placed a Crown of Thorns
Now I want to save my immortal Soul
Because my sins crucified Our Lord

It’s so sad, it’s so sad
That for a sinner like me, He carried the Cross
It’s so sad, it’s so sad
That for me, His Life was the Cost
It’s so sad, it’s so sad
That for me He gave up the ghost
Now I want to save my immortal Soul
Because my sins crucified Our Lord

I guess you could say I get lonely
I guess you could say I’ve been told
I guess you could say I’m just human
But right now, I just want to be absolved

I lose my head and my sins are red, as scarlet
But then we could be whiter than snow
I want to be a rad, trad, Taliban Catholic
I want to be dangerous to know
O it’s so sad, but we should be glad
That He came for us at all
I want to be St Thomas, not Sir Roger Mo(o)re
I want to save my immortal Soul
I want to go to Confession at the break of dawn
I want to save my immortal soul
My knees are dropping down to the floor
In order to receive Our Blessed Lord
Do we want 'sex, drugs' and rock n’ roll?
Or do we want to save our immortal souls?
What would it profit a man if he gained the World
Only to lose his immortal Soul?
Come on, let’s make the Faith more audible
Come on, let’s save our immortal souls
Brother, sisters let’s save our immortal souls
Because our sins crucified Our Lord
Said I want to Austen Ivereigh’s Soul
Because my sins crucified
Because my sins crucified
Because my sins crucified
Our Lord

Chords are G/C/D/D7/Am/C/G

Did someone just send me an email called 'Papal Welcome something'? I just deleted it by accident as it was in my spam. Re-send it if you like.

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