Monday 20 April 2009

Exclusive: Tridentine Mass Wedding Day Shots!

This couple in Detroit got married. But it wasn't just any marriage (in M&S advert voice), it was marriage at a Tridentine Mass, which, as you can see, is a classier affair all round. Great vestments. Look at that. Classic stuff. When people told the happy couple they were pleased the Mass was beautiful on their special day, they replied, "What do you mean? Mass was beautiful because it was God's special day. Deo Gratias...Let us sing now the Te Deum in thanksgiving, etc..." Okay, I've no proof for that whatsoever. Great stuff...classic Mass. If by some outrageous Miracle of God, I ever get married, I will be fishing for a TLM wedding. It ain't looking good, I can tell you, but I wonder when our priest will have someone ask for one.

This was apparently the first TLM Wedding at the Grotto of the Assumption, Detroit, USA in over 40 years. Click here for more pictures and the story.

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